Simons, V. F., C. A. Adams, E. Bridge, M. F. Jimenez, A. L. Abbott, M. E. Drake, K. G. Horton. Radar revelations: insect availability influences parental provisioning in breeding tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. 2025. Journal of Avian Biology. π
Osterhaus, D. M., K. C. Boland, K. G. Horton, B. M Van Doren, P. L. Cutler, M. J. Desmond, T. F. Wright. A call in the dark: Nocturnal flight calls and their potential to advance the study of avian migration. 2025. Ornithology. π
Jimenez, M. F., A. Khalighifar, C. S. Burt, C. A. Black, M. Leon-Corwin, A. S. Fox, H. C. Jenkins-Smith, C. L. Silva, G. E. Trankina, J. F. Kelly, K. G. Horton. Integrating multi-scale terrestrial and atmospheric predictors enhance nocturnal bird migration forecasts. 2025. Ornitholigical Applications. π
Jimenez, M. F., Birgen Haest, A. Khalighifar, A. L. Abbott, A. Feuka, A. Liu and K. G. Horton. Quantifying range- and topographical biases in weather surveillance radar measures of migratory bird activity. 2024. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. π
Osterhaus, D. M, B. M. Van Doren, K. G. Horton. F. Abadi, T. F. Wright, M. J. Desmond. Evaluation of methods to estimate nocturnal bird migration activity: Comparison of radar and nocturnal flight call monitoring in the American West. 2024. Ornithological Applications. π
Horton, K. G., and Y. Deng. Stopover strategies drive potential adaptability under changing environments. 2024. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. π
Adams, C. A., M. Tomaszewska, G. Henebry, and K. G. Horton. Chasing and surfing seasonal waves: Avian migration through the US tracks land surface phenology in fall, but not spring. 2024. Journal of Animal Ecology. π
Perez, G., W. Zhao, Z. Cheng, M. C. T. D. Belotti, Y. Deng, V. Simons, E. Tielens, J. F. Kelly, K. G. Horton, S. Maji, and D. Sheldon. Using Spatio-Temporal Information in Weather Radar Data to Detect and Track Communal Roosts. 2024. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. π
Farnsworth, A., K. G. Horton, and P. P. Marra. To mitigate bird collisions, enforce the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 2024. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. π
Horton, K. G., J. J. Buler, S. J. Anderson, C. S. Burt, A. C. Collins, A. M. Dokter, F. Guo, D. Sheldon, M. A. Tomaszewska, and G. M. Henebry. Artificial light at night is a top predictor of bird migration stopover density. 2023. Nature Communications. π
Gulson-Castillo, E. R., B. M. Van Doren, M. X. Bui, K. G. Horton, J. Li, M. B. Moldwin, K. Shedden, D. T. Welling, and B. M. Winger. Space weather disrupts nocturnal bird migration. 2023. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(42). π
La Sorte, F. A., B. Zuckerberg, C. A. Lepczyk, M. F. J. Aronson, and K. G. Horton. Biomass burning in the Neotropics is exposing migrating birds to elevated fine particulate matter concentrations. 2023. Global Ecology and Biogeography. π
Abbott, A. L., Y. Deng, K. Badwey, A. Farnsworth, and K. G. Horton. Inbound arrivals: Using weather surveillance radar to quantify the diurnal timing of spring trans-Gulf bird migration. 2023. Ecography. π
Burt, C. S., J. F. Kelly, A. S. Fox, H. C. Jenkins-Smith, M. Leon-Corwin, A. Khalighifar, G. E. Trankina, C. L. Silva, and K. G. Horton. Can ecological forecasting lead to convergence on sustainable lighting policies? 2023. Conservation Science and Practice. π
Conte, M. N., K., Hansen, K. G. Horton, C. Jones Ritten, L. H. Palm-Forster, J. Shogren, F. Watzold, T. Wyckoff, and H. J. Albers. A Framework to Evaluate Mechanisms to Support Seasonal Migratory Species. 2023. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. π
Loss, S., B. Li, L. Horn, M. Mesure, L. Zhu, T. Brys, A. Dokter, J. Elmore, R. Gibbons, T. Homayoun, K. G. Horton, P. Inglet, B. Jones, T. Keys, S. Lao, S. Loss, K. Parkins, H. Prestridge, G. Riggs, C. Riding, K. Sweezey, A. Vallery, B. Van Doren, J. Wang, C. Zuzula, and A. Farnsworth. Citizen science to address the global issue of bird-window collisions. 2023. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. π
Belotti, M. C. T. D. , Y. Deng, W. Zhao, Z. Cheng, G. Perez, E. Tielens, V. F. Simons, D. R. Sheldon, S. Maji, J. F. Kelly, and K. G. Horton. Long-term analysis of persistence and size of swallow and martin roosts in the US Great Lakes. 2023. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. π
Horton, K. G., S. R. Morris, B. M. Van Doren, and K. M. Covino. Six decades of North American bird banding records reveal plasticity in migration phenology. 2023. Journal of Animal Ecology. π
Burt, C. S., J. F. Kelly, G. E. Trankina, C. L. Silva, A. Khalighifar, H. C. Jenkins-Smith, A. S. Fox, K. M. Fristrup, and K. G. Horton. The effects of light pollution on migratory animal behavior. 2023. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. π
Deng Y., M. C. T. D. Belotti, W. Zhao, Z. Cheng, G. Perez, E. Tielens, V. F. Simons, D. R. Sheldon, S. Maji, J. F. Kelly, and K. G. Horton. Quantifying long-term phenological patterns of aerial insectivores roosting in the Great Lakes region using weather surveillance radar. 2022. Global Change Biology. π
Haas, E. K., F. A. La Sorte, H. M. McCaslin, M. C. T. Belotti , and K. G. Horton. The correlation between eBird community science and weather surveillance radar-based estimates of migration phenology. 2022. Global Ecology and Biogeography. π
Cohen, E. B., J. J. Buler, K. G. Horton, S. R. Loss, S. A. Cabrera-Cruz, J. A. Smolinsky, and P. P. Marra. Using weather radar to help minimize wind energy impacts on nocturnally migrating birds. 2022. Conservation Letters. π
La Sorte, F. A., K. G. Horton, A. Johnston, D. Fink, and T. Auer. Seasonal associations with light pollution trends for nocturnally migrating bird populations. 2022. Ecosphere. π
La Sorte, F. A., M. Aronson, C. Lepczyk, and K. G. Horton. Assessing the combined threats of artificial light at night and air pollution for the worldβs nocturnally migrating birds. 2022. Global Ecology and Biogeography. π
Dezfuli, A., K. G. Horton, B. Zuckerburg, S. D. Schubert, and M. G. Bosilovich. Continental patterns of bird migration linked to climate variability. 2022. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. π
Clipp, H. L, J. J. Buler, J. A Smolinsky, K. G. Horton, A. Farnsworth, and E. B. Cohen. Winds aloft over three water bodies influence spring stopover distributions of migrating birds along the Gulf of Mexico coast. 2021. Ornithology. π
Nilsson, C., F. A. La Sorte, A. Dokter, K. G. Horton, B. M. Van Doren, J. J. Kolodzinski, J. Shamoun-Baranes, and A. Farnsworth. Bird strikes at commercial airports explained by citizen science and weather radar data. 2021. Journal of Applied Ecology. π
Van Doren, B., M., D. E. Willard, M, Hennen, K. G. Horton, E. F. Stuber, D. Sheldon, A. H. Sivakumar, J. Wang, A. Farnsworth, and B. M. Winger. Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center. 2021. PNAS. π
Sivakumar, A. H., D. Sheldon, K. Winner, C. S. Burt, and K. G. Horton. A weather surveillance radar view of Alaskan avian migration. 2021. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. π
Horton, K. G., B. M. Van Doren, H. J. Albers, A. Farnsworth, and D. Sheldon. Nearβterm ecological forecasting for dynamic aeroconservation of migratory birds. 2021. Conservation Biology. π
Elmore, J. A., C. S. Riding, K. G. Horton, T. J. OβConnell, A. Farnsworth, and S. R. Loss. Predicting birdβwindow collisions with weather radar. 2021. Journal of Applied Ecology. π
La Sorte, F. A., and K. G. Horton. Seasonal variation in the effects of artificial light at night on the occurrence of nocturnally migrating birds in urban areas. 2021. Environmental Pollution. π
Cohen, E. B., K. G. Horton, P. P. Marra, H. L. Clipp, A. Farnsworth, J. A. Smolinsky, D. Sheldon, and J. J. Buler. A place to land: spatiotemporal drivers of stopover habitat use by migrating birds. 2021. Ecology Letters. 12(1)38-49. π
Keenan, E. L., K. J. Odom, M. Araya-Salas, K. G. Horton, M. Strimas-Mackey, M. A. Meatte, N. I. Mann, P. J. B. Slater, J. J. Price, and C. N. Templeton. Breeding season length predicts duet coordination and consistency in Neotropical wrens (Troglodytidae). 2020. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. π
La Sorte, F. A., M. F. J. Aronson, C. A. Lepczyk, and K. G. Horton. Area is the primary correlate of annual and seasonal patterns of avian species richness in urban green spaces. 2020. Landscape and Urban Planning. π
Covino, K. M., K. G. Horton, and S. R. Morris. Seasonally specific changes in migration phenology across 50 years in the Black-throated Blue Warbler. 2020. Auk. 1β11. π
Clipp, H. L., E. B. Cohen, J. A. Smolinsky, K. G. Horton, A. Farnsworth, and J. J. Buler. Broad-Scale Weather Patterns Encountered during Flight Influence Landbird Stopover Distributions. 2020. Remote Sensing. 12: 1-21. π
Horton, K. G., F. A. La Sorte, D. Sheldon, TβY. Lin, K. Winner, G. Bernstein, S. Maji, W. M. Hochachka, and A. Farnsworth. Phenology of nocturnal avian migration has shifted at the continental scale. 2020. Nature Climate Change. 10: 63β68. π
Newcombe, P. B., C. Nilsson, T-Y. Lin, K. Winner, G. Bernstein, S. Maji, D. Sheldon, A. Farnsworth, and K. G. Horton. Migratory flight on the Pacific Flyway: strategies and tendencies of wind drift compensation. 2019. Biology Letters. 15: 1-6. π
Horton, K. G., C. Nilsson, B. M. Van Doren, F. A. La Sorte, A. M. Dokter, and A. Farnsworth. Bright lights in the big cities: migratory birdsβ exposure to artificial light. 2019. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17: 209-214. π
Horton, K. G., B. M. Van Doren, F. A. La Sorte, E. B. Cohen, Hannah L. Clip, J. J. Buler, D. Fink, J. F. Kelly, and A. Farnsworth. Holding steady: Little change in intensity or timing of bird migration over the Gulf of Mexico. 2019. Global Change Biology. 25:1106-1118. π
Lin, TβY., K. Winner, G. Bernstein, A. Mittal, A. M. Dokter, K. G. Horton, C. Nilsson, B. M. Van Doren, A. Farnsworth, F. A. La Sorte, S. Maji, and D. Sheldon. MistNet: Measuring historical bird migration in the US using archived weather radar data and convolutional neural networks. 2019. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10: 1908-1922. π
La Sorte, F. A., K. G. Horton, C. Nilsson, and A. M. Dokter. Projected changes in wind assistance under climate change for nocturnally migrating bird populations. 2018. Global Change Biology. 25:589-601. π
Van Doren, B. M. and K. G. Horton. A continental system for forecasting bird migration. 2018. Science. 361:1115β1118. π
Horton, K. G., B. M. Van Doren, F. A. La Sorte, D. Fink, D. Sheldon, A. Farnsworth, and J. F. Kelly. Navigating north: how body mass and winds shape avian flight behaviors across a North American migratory flyway. 2018. Ecology Letters. 21: 1055-1064. π
Bauer, S., J. Shamoun-Baranes, C. Nilsson, A. Farnsworth, J. F. Kelly, D. R. Reynolds, A. M. Dokter, J. F. Krauel, L. B. Petterson, K. G. Horton, and J. W. Chapman. The grand challenges of migration ecology that radar aeroecology can help answer. 2018. Ecosphere. 42: 1-15. π
Nilsson, C., K. G. Horton, A. M. Dokter, B. M. Van Doren, and A. Farnsworth. Aeroecology of a solar eclipse. 2018. Biology Letters. 14: 1β5. π
Tegler, A. K., K. G., Horton, and S. R. Morris. Is flight-calling behaviour influenced by age, sex and/or body condition? 2018. Animal Behaviour. 138: 123-129. π
Van Doren, B. M.*, K. G., Horton*, A. M. Dokter, H. Klinck, S. B. Elbin, and A. Farnsworth. High-intensity urban light installation dramatically alters nocturnal bird migration. 2017. PNAS. 114: 11175β11180. *contributed equally to this work. π
Horton, K. G., B. M. Van Doren, P. M. Stepanian, A. Farnsworth, and J. F. Kelly. Where in the air? Aerial habitat use of nocturnally migrating birds. 2016. Biology Letters. 12: 20160591. π
Stepanian, P. M., K. G. Horton, V. M. Melnikov, D. S. Zrnic, and S. A. Gauthreaux Jr. Dual-polarization radar products for biological applications. 2016. Ecosphere. 7(11): e01539. π
Stepanian, P. M., K. G. Horton, D. C. Hille, C. E. Wainwright, P. B. Chilson, and J. F. Kelly. Extending bioacoustic monitoring of birds aloft through flight call localization with a three-dimensional microphone array. 2016. Ecology and Evolution. 6: 7039-7046. π
Horton, K. G., B. M. Van Doren, P. M. Stepanian, A. Farnsworth, and J. F. Kelly. Seasonal differences in landbird migration strategies. 2016: The Auk. 133: 761-769. π
Shamoun-Baranes, J., A. Farnsworth, B. Aelterman, J. A. Alves, K. Azijn, G. Bernstein, S. Branco, P. Desmet, A. M. Dokter, K. G. Horton, S. Kelling, J. F. Kelly, H. Leijnse, J. Rong, D. Sheldon, W. Van Den Broeck, J. K. Van Den Meersche, B. M. Van Doren, and H. Van Gasteren. Innovative visualizations shed light on nocturnal migration. 2016. PLoS ONE. 11: 1-15. π
Kelly, J. F., K. G. Horton, P. M. Stepanian, K. de Beurs, T. Fagin, E. S. Bridge, and P. Chilson. Novel measures of continental-scale avian migration phenology related to proximate environmental cues. 2016. Ecosphere. 7: 1-13. π
Kelly, J. F., and K. G. Horton. Toward a predictive macrosystems framework for migration ecology. 2016. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 25: 1159-1165. π
Morris, S. R., K. G. Horton, A. K. Tegeler and M. Lanzone. Characterizing individual flight calling behavior in warblers. 2016. Animal Behaviour. 114: 241-247. π
Van Doren, B. M., K. G. Horton, P. M. Stepanian, D. S. Mizrahi, and A. Farnsworth. Wind drift explains the reoriented morning flights of songbirds. 2016. Behavioral Ecology. 1-10. π
Horton, K. G., B. M. Van Doren, P. M. Stepanian, W. M. Hochachka, A. Farnsworth, and J. F. Kelly. Nocturnally migrating songbirds drift when they can and compensate when they must. 2016. Scientific Reports. 6: 1-8. π
Wainwright, C. E., P. M. Stepanian, and K. G. Horton. 2016. The role of the USA Great Plains low-level jet in nocturnal migrant behaviour. 2016. International Journal of Biometeorology. 1-12. π
Horton, K. G., W. G. Shriver, and J. J. Buler. 2016. An assessment of spatio-temporal relationships between nocturnal bird migration traffic rates and diurnal bird stopover density. 2016. Movement Ecology. 4: 1-10. π
Bridge, E. S., S. M. Pletschet, T. Fagin, P. B. Chilson, K. G. Horton, K. Broadfoot, and J. F. Kelly. Persistence and habitat associations of Purple Martin roosts quantified via weather surveillance radar. 2016. Landscape Ecology. 31: 43-53. π
Stepanian, P. M., and K. G. Horton. Extracting migrant flight orientation profiles using polarimetric radar. 2015. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 53: 6518-6528. π
Horton, K. G., P. M. Stepanian, C. E. Wainwright, and A. K. Tegeler. Influence of atmospheric properties on detection of wood-warbler nocturnal flight calls. 2015. International Journal of Biometeorology. 59: 1385-1394. π
Horton, K. G., W. G. Shriver, and J. J. Buler. A comparison of traffic estimates of nocturnal flying animals using radar, thermal imaging, and acoustic recording. 2015. Ecological Applications. 25: 390-401. π
Horton, K. G., and S. R. Morris. 2012. Estimating mass change of migrant songbirds during stopover: comparison of three different methods. 2012. Journal of Field Ornithology. 83: 411β418. π